Course Outline


  • Java EE 8 vs Jakarta EE
  • Overview of Java EE 8 features and architecture

Preparing the Development Environment

  • Installing Java EE 8 software and components
  • Understanding Java EE APIs and web services  

Creating a Java EE 8 Business Application

  • Setting up EJB and CDI managed beans
  • Defining qualifiers, scopes, and CDI producer methods
  • Building RESTful web services with JAX-RS
  • Validating resource data, exception handling, and response codes
  • Defining datasources, transactions, and interceptors
  • Binding interceptors and components
  • Customizing application configuration using CDI
  • Using asynchronous EJBs and CDI events
  • Implementing container-managed threads
  • Using JAX-RS client to access and retrieve resources
  • Using Server-Sent Events (SSE)
  • Implementing and accessing WebSocket endpoints

Integrating Microservices with Java EE 8 Applications

  • Understanding Java EE microservices framework
  • Converting monolith applications into microservices
  • Building, packaging, and running microservices
  • Adding automatic testing of microservices
  • Preparing microservices for scaling and deployment
  • Deploying Java EE microservices on the cloud

Exploring Design Patterns and Best Practices

  • Understanding the advantages of using design patterns
  • Implementing design patterns using real-world scenarios


Summary and Conclusion


  • Java programming experience


  • Developers
 21 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (1)

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