Course Outline

Advanced Data Manipulations

  • Adjustment of the Mongo Shell
  • Efficient handling CRUD operations (inserts, queries, updates, deletes)
  • Useful admin commands

Performance optimization

  • Built in monitoring tools: mongotop, mongostat
  • Analysing memory and IO performance
  • MongoDB Cloud Manager and Munin
  • Identifying sub-optimal queries. Using the query profiler.
  • Storage engines: MMAPv1 and WiredTiger
  • Explainable object

Indexing and special collections

  • Managing indexes and MongoDB indexing internals
  • Single field and compound indexes
  • Indexes on arrays and sub-documents
  • Geo Indexes
  • Capped collections, TTL and tailable cursors


  • Single purpose aggregation
  • Aggregation pipelines
  • Introduction to map-reduce


  • How asynchronous replication works in MongoDB
  • Setting-up and maintaining replica set
  • Using write concern and read preference
  • Handling replication failures


  • How auto sharding works
  • Setting up a MongoDB shard cluster
  • How to wisely choose a shard key
  • Advanced administering a sharded cluster
  • Managing unbalanced sharded cluster
  • Dealing with chunks (splitting, merging, migrating


  • Authentication and authorization in replica sets and sharded clusters
  • Managing privileges and custom roles
  • Recommendations for secure deployment

Backup and Restore Plans

  • filesystem based strategies
  • mongodump and mongorestore
  • point-in-time recovery


Familiarity with basic and intermediate concepts and a few years exposure to on the job experience.

 14 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (2)

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